By: Lyn/Desert Rain
April 1, 2016
When the worst happens. When your loved one needs help and you need to act fast, will you know what to do? It’s easy to say, “Have a plan, Think ahead, Take control.” These are certainly good ideas, but what does it all mean? Here are some tips to keep you centered and moving in the right direction when disaster strikes to throw you off balance.
Know what medicines your loved one takes and know where to locate them. As we get older, it’s a good idea for partners to take their meds and vitamins when they’re together, at the same time of the day, during a meal, as an example. There’s a better chance of not forgetting. Remember to monitor for special conditions such as blood sugar and blood pressure and know how to use the equipment. Remind your loved one of the importance of working together. Don’t hesitant to say, “I need to learn this. It might save your life one day.” Don’t take the attitude that this is their medical stuff, and there’s no need for you to get involved.
As trained emergency responders, we see spouses that don’t have a clue about what conditions and meds their loved ones are dealing with. Don’t be clueless, be ready to help.
Here in the desert it’s essential to know the signs of dehydration and monitor our partners. Watch how much fluid your spouse is taking in and be ready with a cool drink and electrolyte. One of the first signs of dehydration is feeling anxious or agitated, not having fun anymore and not sure why. Could you detect this in your loved one?
Diet is one of the most powerful tools we have to take control of our own health. Feed your partner healthy foods. Base your diet around real foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy products. Be pro-active in your own and your partner’s medical care. If your partner is reluctant to make that doctor or dental appointment, take charge, make it happen, don’t give up, be strong.
If you believe, as I do, that everything happens for a reason, and your loved one has a medical crisis in your presence, the reason you’re present is to help. Life is so precious. If you’re lucky enough to have your partner by your side, thank God, and enjoy the days you have left.
Take care of each other, have a great summer and I’ll see you next season.