Thank You!!!

A hearty thank you to all who helped make Christmas just a little merrier and brighter for all of us far from home.  First to the Christian Service Center for the wonderful music and goodies afterwards.  Next, to the Light Parade entrants for brightening up our evenings.  And lastly, to all those who were simply there to talk, visit, listen …

Thank you—Sue (Schoolteacher)

A hearty thank you to all who helped with the Thanksgiving Potluck. To all those who cooked the turkeys, made dressing and mashed potatoes…Thanks for cooking. To those who helped set up and tear down, thanks for your muscles. To all those who made side dishes and came to eat…Thanks, because we couldn’t eat all that turkey ourselves. And it …

2015 light parade

Desert Traditions

  It is a great that some traditions here on the desert seem to be able to continue even when the person(s) who led them has not returned for one reason or another. Thank You for the Lights One of those traditions is the Peanuts & Nutcracker Light Parade. It has gone through a few different organizers and has found …