Christmas 2017–John (Third John) Alstrom

Why do we come to the desert? Is it just to escape the North’s cold? Could it also be beauty and friendship, Or is that just being too bold? They say there are rattlers and scorpions And cactus, salt cedar and dust, And rocks and ravines and mountains So steep your poor wheels would bust! A chance to see those …

Christmas Program @ Christian Service Center—Gordon (Desert Boater)

Christmas is comin’ … let the church bells ring !   That’s not just a line from one of our songs at the Christian Service Center, that’s a welcome to our annual Christmas concert.   It’s one of our traditions here on the desert and this year is no different. The dates for our annual Christmas cantata and singalong are Friday, Dec.  …

2015 light parade

Desert Traditions

  It is a great that some traditions here on the desert seem to be able to continue even when the person(s) who led them has not returned for one reason or another. Thank You for the Lights One of those traditions is the Peanuts & Nutcracker Light Parade. It has gone through a few different organizers and has found …

Boondocker Chatter Online - Liberry

Angels Angles – December by Joyce (Angel)

The holidays have come and soon will be gone. Our Liberry has little time alone! She’s been spruced up with steps so new, And loves to welcome each of you. So come on in for any reason, We’ll wish you greetings of the season. Cause before you know it the year will pass And winter visitors will not last. The …